Thursday, March 29, 2012

More food pics

Another post with a few more food pics. =)

This was a new 'Mac 'n cheez' recipe I tried from Alicia C. Simpson's book 'Vegan Celebrations' but later found another post on Vegan Yum Yum's blog Mac and cheeze that is pretty similar.
I liked the dish, Hubby did as well, though he said he would never call the dish anything close to 'Mac and cheese' how an omni knows it... So maybe I should just call those kind of dishes 'noodle casserole' from now on!? ;)
Either way, it was super yummy!

Another great dish was made with tofu from Crescent Dragonwagon's  Passionate Vegetarian [I got my copy from the Amazon Marketplace for ~5$ incl. shipping!]
I'll see that I can post my adaptation of the recipe soon!

Together with quinoa and some green peas, a perfect dinner or lunch (leftovers!) =)


  1. Those tofu cubes look super yummy. I bet my daughter would eat those!

  2. Lucky you, mine won't touch them! LOL
